
790 lines
31 KiB

//~ sixten: Mutable String Functions
static mutable_string MutableStringAllocate(u64 Size)
mutable_string Result = {};
Result.Arena = ArenaAlloc(Size);
ArenaSetAlign(Result.Arena, 1);
Result.String = MakeString(PushArray(Result.Arena, u8, 1), 0LL);
static void MutableStringRelease(mutable_string *String)
static void MutableStringReplaceRange(mutable_string *MutString, string ReplaceString, range1_s64 Range)
Range = Intersection(Range, Range1S64(0, MutString->String.Count));
s64 NewCount = MutString->String.Count+ReplaceString.Count-DimOfRange(Range);
if(NewCount > MutString->String.Count)
s64 ToAllocate = NewCount-MutString->String.Count;
PushArrayNoClear(MutString->Arena, u8, ToAllocate);
else if(NewCount < MutString->String.Count)
ArenaPopTo(MutString->Arena, sizeof(arena)+NewCount+1);
Move(MutString->String.Data+Range.Min+ReplaceString.Count, MutString->String.Data+Range.Max, MutString->String.Count-Range.Min-DimOfRange(Range));
Copy(MutString->String.Data+Range.Min, ReplaceString.Data, ReplaceString.Count);
MutString->String.Count = NewCount;
MutString->String.Data[NewCount] = 0;
//~ sixten: History & Undo Functions
static history_entry HistoryEntry(arena *Arena, string ReplaceString, range1_s64 Range)
// sixten(TODO): proper memory management, right now we just keep appending to the arena, which works but never frees any memory
history_entry Entry = {};
Entry.ReplaceString = PushString(Arena, ReplaceString);
Entry.Range = Range;
static void AppendToHistory(arena *Arena, history_list *List, history_entry Forward, history_entry Backward)
// sixten(TODO): proper memory management, right now we just keep appending to the arena, which works but never frees any memory
history_node *Node = PushStructNoClear(Arena, history_node);
Node->Forward = Forward;
Node->Backward = Backward;
SenDLLInsertLast(&List->Sentinel, Node);
//~ sixten: Workspace Text Editing Functions
static workspace_text_data W_TextDataFromString(arena *Arena, string Text)
temp Scratch = GetScratch(&Arena, 1);
//- sixten: clear the target arena
//- sixten: tokenize the text
tokenize_result TokenizeResult = T_TokenizeFromText(Arena, Text);
token_array Tokens = TokenizeResult.Tokens;
//- sixten: gather all line ranges
range1_s64_list Lines = {};
s64 MaxLineCount = 0;
u8 *TextBegin = Text.Data;
u8 *TextEnd = TextBegin + Text.Count;
range1_s64 Range = Range1S64(0, 0);
for(u8 *Char = TextBegin; Char <= TextEnd; Char += 1)
Range.Max += 1;
//- sixten: push line range on newline and EOF
if(Char == TextEnd || *Char == '\n')
if(DimOfRange(Range) > MaxLineCount)
MaxLineCount = DimOfRange(Range);
Range1S64ListPush(Scratch.Arena, &Lines, Range);
Range = Range1S64(Range.Max, Range.Max);
//- sixten: fill & return
workspace_text_data Result = {};
Result.Tokens = Tokens;
Result.Lines = Range1S64ArrayFromList(Arena, &Lines);;
Result.MaxLineCount = MaxLineCount;
static void W_TextEditorApplyChanges(workspace_view_text_editor *Editor)
workspace_text_data TextData = W_TextDataFromString(Editor->ProcessingArena, Editor->Text.String);
Editor->Tokens = TextData.Tokens;
Editor->Lines = TextData.Lines;
Editor->MaxLineCount = TextData.MaxLineCount;
Editor->Compiled = S_ScriptFromText(Editor->ProcessingArena, Editor->Text.String);
static void W_SaveTextEditorToFile(workspace_view_text_editor *Editor)
temp Scratch = GetScratch();
if(Editor->SavePoint != Editor->History.At)
string Path = PushFormat(Scratch.Arena, "%S/%S", Editor->FilePath, Editor->FileName);
platform_file_handle Handle = Platform.OpenFile(Path, PlatformAccess_Write);
Platform.WriteFile(Handle, Editor->Text.String.Data, 0, Editor->Text.String.Count);
Editor->SavePoint = Editor->History.At;
//~ sixten: Workspace Text Editor Builder Functions
static b32 W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(workspace_view_text_editor *Editor, platform_event *Event)
b32 CursorHasBeenModified = false;
temp Scratch = GetScratch();
text_action Action = MultiLineTextActionFromEvent(Event);
text_op Op = TextOpFromAction(Scratch.Arena, Editor->Text.String, &Editor->EditState, &Action, &Editor->Lines, Editor->LastTextPoint.Column - 1);
if(DimOfRange(Op.Range) != 0 || !AreEqual(StrLit(""), Op.ReplaceString))
//- sixten: append to the history
history_list *List = &Editor->History;
//- sixten: remove the pre-existing history if needed
if(List->Sentinel.Prev != List->At)
// sixten(TODO): instead of just removing the links to the old memory, find some way to manage it.
List->Sentinel.Prev->Next = List->At;
List->Sentinel.Prev = List->At;
range1_s64 Selection = Range1S64(Editor->EditState.Cursor, Editor->EditState.Mark);
AppendToHistory(Editor->HistoryArena, List,
HistoryEntry(Editor->HistoryArena, Op.ReplaceString, Op.Range),
HistoryEntry(Editor->HistoryArena, Substring(Editor->Text.String, Op.Range), Range1S64(Op.Range.Min, Op.Range.Min+Op.ReplaceString.Count)));
List->At = List->Sentinel.Prev;
//- sixten: apply the text action
string ReplaceString = RemoveAll(Scratch.Arena, Op.ReplaceString, '\r');
MutableStringReplaceRange(&Editor->Text, ReplaceString, Op.Range);
CursorHasBeenModified = true;
Editor->EditState.Cursor = Op.NewCursor;
Editor->EditState.Mark = Op.NewMark;
static void W_BuildTextEditorInfoBar(workspace_view_text_editor *Editor)
UI_WidthFill UI_Height(UI_Em(1.75f, 1)) UI_Parent(UI_MakeBoxF(UI_BoxFlag_DrawDropShadow, "")) UI_Padding(UI_Em(1, 1))
UI_Width(UI_TextContent(0, 1))
UI_Font(Font_Icons) UI_LabelF("%U", FontIcon_Attention);
UI_Spacer(UI_Em(0.5f, 1));
UI_LabelF("%i", Editor->Compiled.Errors.Count);
static void W_BuildTextEditorErrorList(workspace_view_text_editor *Editor)
r32 TargetFooterHeightEm = 2.25f*Min(Editor->Compiled.Errors.Count, 10LL);
UI_Size(UI_Percent(1, 0), UI_Em(AC_AnimateValueF(TargetFooterHeightEm, TargetFooterHeightEm, 0.3, "Error Lister %p", Editor), 1)) UI_Column() UI_Height(UI_TextContent(0, 1))
s64 Index = 0;
for(scene_compile_error *Error = Editor->Compiled.Errors.First; Error != 0; Error = Error->Next, Index += 1)
UI_SetNextHeight(UI_ChildrenSum(1, 1));
UI_Parent(UI_MakeBoxF(0, "Editor Error Lister Container %p", Error)) UI_Padding(UI_Em(1, 1)) UI_Height(UI_Em(1.75f, 1))
UI_SetNextBackgroundColor(SetAlpha(Theme_BorderColor, 0.8f));
ui_box *ContainerBox = UI_MakeBoxF(UI_BoxFlag_Clickable|UI_BoxFlag_DrawDropShadow|UI_BoxFlag_DrawBorder, "Container Box");
UI_Parent(ContainerBox) UI_Padding(UI_Em(1, 1)) UI_Width(UI_TextContent(0, 1))
UI_Font(Font_Icons) UI_LabelF("%U", FontIcon_Attention);
UI_Spacer(UI_Em(0.5f, 1));
// sixten(TODO): this is dumb, slow and downright stupid.
text_point Point = TextPointFromOffset(Editor->Text.String, Error->Token.Range.Min);
UI_LabelF("%i:%i", Point.Line, Point.Column);
UI_Spacer(UI_Em(0.5f, 1));
UI_Spacer(UI_Percent(1, 0));
ui_signal Signal = UI_SignalFromBox(ContainerBox);
UI_TooltipLabel(StrLit("Goto in source"), UI_MouseP());
UI_Spacer(UI_Em(0.5, 1));
workspace_view_text_editor *Editor = (workspace_view_text_editor *)Data;
//- sixten: calculate dimensions
ui_box *Parent = Box->Parent;
v2_r32 ParentDim = DimOfRange(Parent->Rect);
r32 FontSize = Editor->FontSize;
r32 LineHeight = FontSize + 4.0f;
s64 LineStart = Floor(-Parent->Offset.y/LineHeight);
s64 LineEnd = Min(Editor->Lines.Count, (s64)Floor((ParentDim.y-Parent->Offset.y)/LineHeight)+1);
s64 LineNumberCount = (s64)(Log(Editor->Lines.Count)/Log(10))+1;
for(s64 Line = LineStart; Line < LineEnd; Line += 1)
PushTextF(Group, Atlas, Font_Monospace, Box->Rect.Min+V2R32(0, Line*LineHeight), Editor->FontSize, Color_Grey, " %*i", LineNumberCount, Line+1);
workspace_view_text_editor *Editor = (workspace_view_text_editor *)Data;
temp Scratch = GetScratch();
//- sixten: calculate dimensions
ui_box *Parent = Box->Parent;
v2_r32 ParentDim = DimOfRange(Parent->Rect);
//- sixten: rendering properties
r32 FontSize = Editor->FontSize;
r32 LineHeight = FontSize + 4.0f;
//- sixten: calculate the dimensions of the glyphs
glyph *Glyph = GetGlyph(Atlas, Font_Monospace, 'A', FontSize, 0);
r32 GlyphAdvance = Glyph->Advance;
//- sixten: find the text point
text_point CursorTextP = TextPointFromOffset(Editor->Text.String, Editor->EditState.Cursor);
text_point MarkTextP = TextPointFromOffset(Editor->Text.String, Editor->EditState.Mark);
s64 LineStart = Floor(-Parent->Offset.y/LineHeight);
s64 LineEnd = Min(Editor->Lines.Count, (s64)Floor((ParentDim.y-Parent->Offset.y)/LineHeight)+1);
//- sixten: tokenize text
tokenize_result TokenizeResult = T_TokenizeFromText(Scratch.Arena, Editor->Text.String);
token_array Tokens = TokenizeResult.Tokens;
token *TokensBegin = Tokens.Tokens;
token *TokensEnd = TokensBegin + Tokens.Count;
v2_r32 StartTokenP = Box->Rect.Min;
//- sixten: find the first visible token
token *VisibleTokensBegin = TokensBegin;
for(s64 LinesFound = 0; LinesFound < LineStart && VisibleTokensBegin < TokensEnd; VisibleTokensBegin += 1)
if(VisibleTokensBegin->Kind == TokenKind_Newline)
LinesFound += 1;
StartTokenP.y += LineHeight;
//- sixten: find the last visible token
token *VisibleTokensEnd = VisibleTokensBegin;
for(s64 LinesFound = 0; LinesFound < LineEnd-LineStart && VisibleTokensEnd < TokensEnd; VisibleTokensEnd += 1)
if(VisibleTokensEnd->Kind == TokenKind_Newline)
LinesFound += 1;
//- sixten: render tokens
v2_r32 TokenP = StartTokenP;
for(token *Token = VisibleTokensBegin; Token < VisibleTokensEnd; Token += 1)
string TokenString = T_StringFromToken(Editor->Text.String, *Token);
//- sixten: get color & font from token
font_id Font = Font_Monospace;
v4 Color = Color_Magenta;
if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_Comment) { Color = Color_Grey; Font = Font_MonospaceOblique; }
else if(Token->Kind > TokenKind_SymbolsBegin && Token->Kind < TokenKind_SymbolsEnd) { Color = Color_Grey; }
else if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_StringLiteral) { Color = ColorFromHex(0xffa900ff); }
else if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_Numeric) { Color = ColorFromHex(0xffa900ff); }
else if(Token->Kind > TokenKind_KeywordsBegin && Token->Kind < TokenKind_KeywordsEnd)
if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_True || Token->Kind == TokenKind_False)
Color = ColorFromHex(0xffa900ff);
Color = ColorFromHex(0xf0c674ff);
else if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_Identifier)
Color = Theme_TextColor;
//- sixten: check for errors
b32 ConsideredError = false;
for(scene_compile_error *Error = Editor->Compiled.Errors.First; Error != 0; Error = Error->Next)
if(Error->Token.Range.Min == Token->Range.Min &&
Error->Token.Range.Max == Token->Range.Max)
ConsideredError = true;
//- sixten: render & advance by token
if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_Comment)
//- sixten: advance to newline and push text
// sixten(TODO): proper multiline comment rendering.
u8 *TextBegin = TokenString.Data;
u8 *TextEnd = TextBegin+TokenString.Count;
u8 *Marker = TextBegin;
for(u8 *Byte = TextBegin; Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
if(*Byte == '\n' || Byte == TextEnd)
PushText(Group, Atlas, Font, TokenP, FontSize, Color, MakeString(Marker, Byte-Marker));
Marker = Byte+1;
if(*Byte == '\n' && Byte != TextEnd)
TokenP.x = StartTokenP.x;
TokenP.y += LineHeight;
r32 TokenWidth = PushText(Group, Atlas, Font, TokenP, FontSize, Color, TokenString);
//- sixten: render error highlight
range2_r32 Dest = Range2R32(TokenP+V2R32(0, LineHeight-3), TokenP+V2R32(TokenWidth, LineHeight));
v4_r32 ErrorColor = V4R32(0.9f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.8f);
PushQuad(Group, Dest, ErrorColor, ErrorColor, ErrorColor, ErrorColor, 3, 0.4, 0);
TokenP.x += TokenWidth;
if(Token->Kind == TokenKind_Newline)
TokenP.x = StartTokenP.x;
TokenP.y += LineHeight;
u8 *StringBegin = TokenString.Data;
u8 *StringEnd = StringBegin + TokenString.Count;
for(u8 *Char = StringBegin; Char < StringEnd; Char += 1)
if(*Char == ' ' || *Char == '\t')
TokenP.x += GlyphAdvance;
//- sixten: render the selection
text_range Selection = TextRange(CursorTextP, MarkTextP);
range1_s64 LineRange = Range1S64(Selection.Min.Line, Selection.Max.Line);
for(s64 LineIndex = LineStart; LineIndex < LineEnd; LineIndex += 1)
if(Contains(LineRange, LineIndex + 1))
range1_s64 ColumnRange = Editor->Lines.Ranges[LineIndex];
range1_s64 NormalizedColumnRange = Range1S64(0, DimOfRange(ColumnRange));
if(LineIndex+1 == LineRange.Min && LineIndex+1 == LineRange.Max)
NormalizedColumnRange = Range1S64(Editor->EditState.Cursor - ColumnRange.Min, Editor->EditState.Mark - ColumnRange.Min);
else if(LineIndex+1 == LineRange.Min)
NormalizedColumnRange = Range1S64(Min(Editor->EditState.Mark, Editor->EditState.Cursor) - ColumnRange.Min, DimOfRange(ColumnRange));
else if(LineIndex+1 == LineRange.Max)
NormalizedColumnRange = Range1S64(0, Max(Editor->EditState.Mark, Editor->EditState.Cursor) - ColumnRange.Min);
string Line = Substring(Editor->Text.String, ColumnRange);
range1_s64 ColumnOffsetRange = Range1S64(UTF8OffsetFromIndex(Line, NormalizedColumnRange.Min),
UTF8OffsetFromIndex(Line, NormalizedColumnRange.Max));
r32 LineY = LineIndex*LineHeight;
v4_r32 LineHighlightColor = ColorFromHex(0x66B3CC4C);
range2_r32 LineHighlightBox = Range2R32(Box->Rect.Min+V2(ColumnOffsetRange.Min*GlyphAdvance, LineY),
Box->Rect.Min+V2(ColumnOffsetRange.Max*GlyphAdvance, LineY+LineHeight));
PushQuad(Group, LineHighlightBox, LineHighlightColor, LineHighlightColor, LineHighlightColor, LineHighlightColor, 4, 1.4, 0);
//- sixten: render cursor
s64 LineIndex = CursorTextP.Line-1;
string Line = Substring(Editor->Text.String, Editor->Lines.Ranges[LineIndex]);
s64 ColumnIndex = CursorTextP.Column-1;
s64 ColumnOffset = UTF8OffsetFromIndex(Line, ColumnIndex);
v2 TargetCursorP = Box->Rect.Min+V2(ColumnOffset*GlyphAdvance, LineIndex*LineHeight);
v2 CursorP = V2(AC_AnimateValueF(TargetCursorP.x, TargetCursorP.x, 0.1, "Workspace Text Editor Cursor X %p", Editor),
AC_AnimateValueF(TargetCursorP.y, TargetCursorP.y, 0.1, "Workspace Text Editor Cursor Y %p", Editor));
v2 CursorDim = V2(2, LineHeight);
range2_r32 CursorRect = Range2R32(CursorP, CursorP+CursorDim);
v4 CursorColor = ColorFromHex(0x10FF20FF);
PushQuad(Group, CursorRect, CursorColor, CursorColor, CursorColor, CursorColor, 2, 0.4, 0);
static void W_BuildTextEditor(workspace_view *View)
workspace_view_text_editor *Editor = (workspace_view_text_editor *)View->Data;
//- sixten: calculate dimensions
r32 FontSize = Editor->FontSize;
r32 LineHeight = FontSize + 4.0f;
glyph *Glyph = GetGlyph(UI_GlyphAtlas(), Font_Monospace, 'A', FontSize, 0);
r32 GlyphAdvance = Glyph->Advance;
s64 LineCount = Editor->Lines.Count;
s64 MaxLineCount = Editor->MaxLineCount;
s64 LineNumberCount = (s64)(Log(Editor->Lines.Count)/Log(10))+1;
v2_r32 LinesBarDim = V2R32((LineNumberCount + 2)*GlyphAdvance, LineCount*LineHeight);
v2_r32 TextEditorDim = V2R32((MaxLineCount+LineNumberCount+2)*GlyphAdvance, (LineCount+1)*LineHeight);
v2_r32 VisibleRegionDim; // sixten(NOTE): This is set further down
b32 CursorHasBeenModified = false;
//- sixten: layout editor
UI_WidthFill UI_HeightFill UI_Column()
//- sixten: line numbers, editor & scrollbar
UI_HeightFill UI_Row(UI_BoxFlag_DrawBorder)
UI_WidthFill UI_Column(0, StrLit("Scrollable & Scroll X"))
UI_Row(0, StrLit("Scroll Region")) // contains lines bar & text editor
v2_r32 ScrollRegionDim = DimOfRange(UI_TopParent()->Rect);
v2_r32 AnimatedOffset = V2R32(AC_AnimateValueF(Editor->Offset.x, Editor->Offset.x, 0.3f, "%p Offset X", View),
AC_AnimateValueF(Editor->Offset.y, Editor->Offset.y, 0.3f, "%p Offset Y", View));
// sixten(NOTE): We put the lines bar & text editor in containers to be able to easily offset them.
UI_Width(UI_ChildrenSum(1, 1)) UI_Parent(UI_MakeBox(UI_BoxFlag_Clip|UI_BoxFlag_DrawBackground|UI_BoxFlag_DrawDropShadow, StrLit("Lines Bar Container")))
UI_SetNextSize(UI_Pixels(LinesBarDim.x, 1), UI_Pixels(LinesBarDim.y, 1));
ui_box *LinesBarBox = UI_MakeBoxF(0, "Workspace View Text Editor Lines Bar");
UI_EquipBoxCustomDrawCallback(LinesBarBox, W_TextEditorLinesBarDrawCallback, Editor);
UI_SetNextOffset(-AnimatedOffset.x, -AnimatedOffset.y);
UI_WidthFill UI_Parent(UI_MakeBox(UI_BoxFlag_Clip|UI_BoxFlag_Clickable, StrLit("Text Editor Container")))
ui_box *EditorContainerBox = UI_TopParent();
VisibleRegionDim = DimOfRange(EditorContainerBox->Rect);
ui_signal EditorContainerSignal = UI_SignalFromBox(EditorContainerBox);
//- sixten: text editor scrolling
if(AreEqual(UI_HotKey(), EditorContainerBox->Key))
for(platform_event *Event = UI_EventList()->First;
Event != 0;
Event = Event->Next)
if(Event->Type == PlatformEvent_MouseScroll && (Event->Modifiers != PlatformModifier_Ctrl) && Event->Scroll.y != 0)
Editor->Offset.y -= Event->Scroll.y*LineHeight*4;
Platform_ConsumeEvent(UI_EventList(), Event);
UI_SetNextSize(UI_Pixels(TextEditorDim.x, 1), UI_Pixels(TextEditorDim.y, 1));
ui_box *TextEditorBox = UI_MakeBoxF(0, "Workspace View Text Editor");
UI_EquipBoxCustomDrawCallback(TextEditorBox, W_TextEditorDrawCallback, Editor);
//- sixten: translate mouse position to text point
v2 MouseOffset = EditorContainerSignal.MouseP - TextEditorBox->Rect.Min;
s64 LineIndex = Clamp((s64)(MouseOffset.y / LineHeight), 0, Editor->Lines.Count);
string Line = Substring(Editor->Text.String, Editor->Lines.Ranges[LineIndex]);
s64 ColumnOffset = (s64)(MouseOffset.x / GlyphAdvance);
s64 ColumnIndex = UTF8IndexFromOffset(Line, ColumnOffset);
CursorHasBeenModified = true;
Editor->DropdownActive = false;
text_point Point = {LineIndex + 1, ColumnIndex + 1};
Editor->EditState.Cursor = OffsetFromTextPoint(Editor->Text.String, Editor->Lines, Point);
Editor->EditState.Mark = Editor->EditState.Cursor;
//- sixten: build scrollbar x
ui_box *ParentBox = UI_TopParent();
v2_r32 ParentDim = DimOfRange(ParentBox->Rect);
r32 MaxScrollWidth = ParentDim.x-UI_TopFontSize()*2;
r32 ScrollScaleX = ParentDim.x/TextEditorDim.x;
if(ScrollScaleX > 1)
ScrollScaleX = 0;
ui_signal ScrollX = UI_Scrollbar(Axis2_X, StrLit("Workspace View Text Editor Scrollbar X"), MaxScrollWidth*ScrollScaleX, Editor->Offset.x/TextEditorDim.x*MaxScrollWidth);
Editor->Offset.x = UI_GetDragR32() + ScrollX.DragDelta.x/ScrollScaleX;
Editor->Offset.x = Clamp(Editor->Offset.x, 0, Max(0.0f, TextEditorDim.x-ParentDim.x));
UI_Width(UI_ChildrenSum(1, 1)) UI_Column(0, StrLit("Scrollable & Scroll Y"))
//- sixten: build scrollbar y
ui_box *ParentBox = UI_TopParent();
v2_r32 ParentDim = DimOfRange(ParentBox->Rect);
r32 MaxScrollHeight = ParentDim.y-UI_TopFontSize()*3;
r32 ScrollScaleY = ParentDim.y/TextEditorDim.y;
if(ScrollScaleY > 1)
MaxScrollHeight = 0;
ui_signal ScrollY = UI_Scrollbar(Axis2_Y, StrLit("Workspace View Text Editor Scrollbar Y"), MaxScrollHeight*ScrollScaleY, Editor->Offset.y/TextEditorDim.y*MaxScrollHeight);
Editor->Offset.y = UI_GetDragR32() + ScrollY.DragDelta.y/ScrollScaleY;
Editor->Offset.y = Clamp(Editor->Offset.y, 0, Max(0.0f, TextEditorDim.y-ParentDim.y));
UI_Width(UI_Em(1, 1)) UI_Height(UI_Em(1, 1)) UI_MakeBox(UI_BoxFlag_DrawBorder, StrLit(""));
//- sixten: info bar
//- sixten: process inputs
//- sixten: handle history
history_list *List = &Editor->History;
//- sixten: undo
if(Platform_KeyPress(UI_EventList(), Key_Z, PlatformModifier_Ctrl))
history_node *Node = List->At;
if(Node != &List->Sentinel)
//- sixten: get entry & apply
history_entry Entry = Node->Backward;
MutableStringReplaceRange(&Editor->Text, Entry.ReplaceString, Entry.Range);
Editor->EditState.Cursor = Editor->EditState.Mark = Entry.Range.Min+Entry.ReplaceString.Count;
CursorHasBeenModified = true;
List->At = Node->Prev;
//- sixten: redo
if(Platform_KeyPress(UI_EventList(), Key_Y, PlatformModifier_Ctrl))
history_node *Node = List->At->Next;
if(Node != &List->Sentinel)
//- sixten: get entry & apply
history_entry Entry = Node->Forward;
MutableStringReplaceRange(&Editor->Text, Entry.ReplaceString, Entry.Range);
Editor->EditState.Cursor = Editor->EditState.Mark = Entry.Range.Min+Entry.ReplaceString.Count;
CursorHasBeenModified = true;
List->At = Node;
//- sixten: save
if(Platform_KeyPress(UI_EventList(), Key_S, PlatformModifier_Ctrl))
//- sixten: select all
if(Platform_KeyPress(UI_EventList(), Key_A, PlatformModifier_Ctrl))
Editor->EditState.Mark = 0;
Editor->EditState.Cursor = Editor->Text.String.Count;
//- sixten: keyboard input -> text op
for(platform_event *Event = UI_EventList()->First;
Event != 0;
Event = Event->Next)
//- sixten: check for scaling
if(Event->Type == PlatformEvent_Press && Event->Modifiers == PlatformModifier_Ctrl && (Event->Key == Key_Plus || Event->Key == Key_Minus))
Editor->FontSize += (Event->Key == Key_Plus ? 1 : -1);
if(Event->Type == PlatformEvent_MouseScroll && Event->Modifiers == PlatformModifier_Ctrl && (Event->Scroll.y != 0))
Editor->FontSize += (Event->Scroll.y);
if(Event->Type == PlatformEvent_Press || Event->Type == PlatformEvent_Text)
//- sixten: auto-indent
s64 Indent = 0;
if(Event->Codepoint == '\n')
string Line = Substring(Editor->Text.String, Editor->Lines.Ranges[Editor->LastTextPoint.Line-1]);
if(Line.Data[Line.Count-1] == '\n')
Line.Count -= 1;
for(u8 *Data = Line.Data; *Data == '\t' && Data < Line.Data+Line.Count; Data += 1)
Indent += 1;
//- sixten: auto close bracket
if(Event->Codepoint == '{')
platform_event FakeEvent = {};
FakeEvent.Codepoint = '}';
FakeEvent.Type = PlatformEvent_Text;
CursorHasBeenModified |= W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, &FakeEvent);
FakeEvent.Key = Key_Left;;
FakeEvent.Type = PlatformEvent_Press;
CursorHasBeenModified |= W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, &FakeEvent);
//- sixten: auto close string literal
if(Event->Codepoint == '"')
platform_event FakeEvent = {};
FakeEvent.Codepoint = '"';
FakeEvent.Type = PlatformEvent_Text;
CursorHasBeenModified |= W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, &FakeEvent);
FakeEvent.Key = Key_Left;;
FakeEvent.Type = PlatformEvent_Press;
CursorHasBeenModified |= W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, &FakeEvent);
//- sixten: default event
if(W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, Event))
CursorHasBeenModified = true;
Platform_ConsumeEvent(UI_EventList(), Event);
//- sixten: apply indent
platform_event FakeTab = {};
FakeTab.Codepoint = '\t';
FakeTab.Type = PlatformEvent_Text;
for(s64 IndentIndex = 0; IndentIndex < Indent; IndentIndex += 1)
CursorHasBeenModified |= W_ProcessTextEditorEvent(Editor, &FakeTab);
//- sixten: change last text point & adapt view to cursor
text_point Point = TextPointFromOffset(Editor->Text.String, Editor->EditState.Cursor);
s64 LineIndex = Point.Line-1;
string Line = Substring(Editor->Text.String, Editor->Lines.Ranges[LineIndex]);
s64 ColumnIndex = Point.Column-1;
s64 ColumnOffset = UTF8OffsetFromIndex(Line, ColumnIndex);
v2 CursorP = V2(ColumnOffset*GlyphAdvance, LineIndex*LineHeight);
if(CursorP.y < Editor->Offset.y)
Editor->Offset.y = CursorP.y;
if(CursorP.y > Editor->Offset.y + VisibleRegionDim.y - LineHeight)
Editor->Offset.y = CursorP.y - VisibleRegionDim.y + LineHeight;
if(Editor->LastTextPoint.Line == Point.Line)
Editor->LastTextPoint = Point;
Editor->LastTextPoint.Line = Point.Line;
Editor->LastTextPoint.Column = Max(Editor->LastTextPoint.Column, Point.Column);