289 lines
9.7 KiB
289 lines
9.7 KiB
//~ sixten: Token Type Functions
static string T_StringFromToken(string Text, token Token)
string Result = Substring(Text, Token.Range);
static b32 T_TokenMatches(token Token, token_flags Flags, string Text, string String)
b32 Result = (Token.Flags & Flags && AreEqual(T_StringFromToken(Text, Token), String));
static void T_TokenChunkListPush(memory_arena *Arena, token_chunk_list *List, token Token, s64 MaxTokenCountPerNode)
token_chunk_node *Node = List->Last;
if(!Node || Node->Count >= Node->MaxCount)
Node = PushStruct(Arena, token_chunk_node);
Node->Count = 0;
Node->MaxCount = MaxTokenCountPerNode;
Node->Tokens = PushArrayNoClear(Arena, token, Node->MaxCount);
QueuePush(List->First, List->Last, Node);
Node->Tokens[Node->Count] = Token;
Node->Count += 1;
List->Count += 1;
static token_array T_TokenArrayFromList(memory_arena *Arena, token_chunk_list *List)
token_array Result = {};
Result.Tokens = PushArrayNoClear(Arena, token, List->Count);
Result.Count = List->Count;
s64 Index = 0;
for(token_chunk_node *Node = List->First; Node != 0; Node = Node->Next)
Copy(Result.Tokens + Index, Node->Tokens, sizeof(token)*Node->Count);
Index += Node->Count;
//~ sixten: Tokenizer Message Functions
static void T_MessageListPush(memory_arena *Arena, tokenizer_message_list *List, tokenizer_message_kind Kind, s64 Offset, string String)
tokenizer_message *Message = PushStructNoClear(Arena, tokenizer_message);
Message->Kind = Kind;
Message->Offset = Offset;
Message->String = String;
QueuePush(List->First, List->Last, Message);
//~ sixten: Text -> Token Functions
static tokenize_result T_TokenizeFromText(memory_arena *Arena, string Filename, string Text, token_flags ExcludeFilter)
temporary_memory Scratch = GetScratch(&Arena, 1);
token_chunk_list Tokens = {};
tokenizer_message_list Messages = {};
u8 *TextStart = Text.Data;
u8 *TextEnd = TextStart + Text.Count;
u8 *Byte = TextStart;
//- sixten: scan string & produce tokens
for(;Byte < TextEnd;)
token_flags TokenFlags = 0;
u8 *TokenStart = 0;
u8 *TokenEnd = 0;
//- sixten: whitespace
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (*Byte == ' ' || *Byte == '\t' || *Byte == '\v' || *Byte == '\r'))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Whitespace;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte;
Byte += 1;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
TokenEnd += 1;
if(Byte == TextEnd || !(*Byte == ' ' || *Byte == '\t' || *Byte == '\v' || *Byte == '\r'))
//- sixten: newlines
if(TokenFlags == 0 && *Byte == '\n')
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Newline;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte + 1;
Byte += 1;
//- sixten: single-line comments
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (Byte[0] == '/' && Byte[1] == '/'))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Comment;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte + 2;
Byte += 2;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
if(Byte == TextEnd || *Byte == '\n' || *Byte == '\r')
TokenEnd += 1;
//- sixten: multi-line comments
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (Byte+1 < TextEnd && Byte[0] == '/' && Byte[1] == '*'))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Comment;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte + 2;
Byte += 2;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
// sixten(NOTE): This could potentially be wrong. The TokenEnd += 1 statement could currently make the token include the EOF.
if(Byte == TextEnd)
TokenFlags |= TokenFlag_BrokenComment;
TokenEnd += 1;
if(Byte+1 < TextEnd && Byte[0] == '*' && Byte[1] == '/')
TokenEnd += 1;
Byte += 2;
//- sixten: identifiers
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (('A' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'z') ||
(UTF8Lengths[*Byte>>3] > 1) ||
*Byte == '_'))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Identifier;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte;
Byte += UTF8Lengths[*Byte>>3];
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += UTF8Lengths[*Byte>>3])
if(Byte == TextEnd || !(('A' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'z') ||
('0' <= *Byte && *Byte <= '9') ||
(UTF8Lengths[*Byte>>3] > 1) ||
*Byte == '_'))
TokenEnd = Byte;
//- sixten: numerics
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (('0' <= *Byte && *Byte <= '9') ||
*Byte == '.' ||
((*Byte == '+' || *Byte == '-') && Byte + 1 < TextEnd && '0' <= Byte[1] && Byte[1] <= '9')))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Numeric;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte;
Byte += 1;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
TokenEnd += 1;
if(Byte == TextEnd ||
!(('A' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= *Byte && *Byte <= 'z') ||
('0' <= *Byte && *Byte <= '9') ||
*Byte == '_' || *Byte == '.'))
//- sixten: string literals
if(TokenFlags == 0 && *Byte == '"')
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_StringLiteral;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte;
Byte += 1;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
TokenEnd += 1;
if(Byte == TextEnd || *Byte == '\n')
TokenFlags |= TokenFlag_BrokenStringLiteral;
if(*Byte == '"')
Byte += 1;
TokenEnd += 1;
//- sixten: multi-char symbols
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (*Byte == '!' || *Byte == '%' || *Byte == '&' || *Byte == '|' ||
*Byte == '/' || *Byte == '=' || *Byte == '?' || *Byte == '^' ||
*Byte == '*' || *Byte == '+' || *Byte == '-' || *Byte == '$' ||
*Byte == '<' || *Byte == '>' || *Byte == '~' || *Byte == '\''))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Symbol;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte;
Byte += 1;
for(;Byte <= TextEnd; Byte += 1)
TokenEnd += 1;
if(Byte == TextEnd ||
!(*Byte == '!' || *Byte == '%' || *Byte == '&' || *Byte == '|' ||
*Byte == '/' || *Byte == '=' || *Byte == '?' || *Byte == '^' ||
*Byte == '*' || *Byte == '+' || *Byte == '-' || *Byte == '$' ||
*Byte == '<' || *Byte == '>' || *Byte == '~' || *Byte == '\''))
//- sixten: single-char symbols
if(TokenFlags == 0 && (*Byte == '{' || *Byte == '}' || *Byte == '(' || *Byte == ')' ||
*Byte == '[' || *Byte == ']' || *Byte == ',' || *Byte == ';' ||
*Byte == ':' || *Byte == '@' || *Byte == '#'))
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_Reserved;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenEnd = Byte + 1;
Byte += 1;
//- sixten: bad character
if(TokenFlags == 0)
TokenFlags = TokenFlag_BadCharacter;
TokenStart = Byte;
TokenStart = Byte + 1;
Byte += 1;
//- sixten: push token
if(TokenFlags != 0 && !(TokenFlags & ExcludeFilter) && TokenStart != 0 && TokenEnd > TokenStart)
token Token = {TokenFlags, {TokenStart - TextStart, TokenEnd - TextStart}};
T_TokenChunkListPush(Scratch.Arena, &Tokens, Token, 4096);
if(TokenFlags & TokenFlag_BrokenComment)
string Message = StrLit("broken comment");
T_MessageListPush(Arena, &Messages, T_MessageKind_Error, TokenStart - TextStart, Message);
if(TokenFlags & TokenFlag_BrokenStringLiteral)
string Message = StrLit("broken string literal");
T_MessageListPush(Arena, &Messages, T_MessageKind_Error, TokenStart - TextStart, Message);
tokenize_result Result =
T_TokenArrayFromList(Arena, &Tokens),